Cardiff set to host Welsh Varsity 2025
The hugely popular Welsh Varsity event will make a triumphant return to the Welsh capital on Wednesday 9th April 2025, bringing the fiercest university rivalry back to Cardiff. Following a successful year in Swansea in 2024, the Welsh capital is gearing up for an action-packed day of sport, passion and unforgettable moments.
Welsh Varsity represents one of the biggest days in the student calendar, bringing together more than 10,000 students from Cardiff University and Swansea University to cheer on their teams in this festival of sport.
Varsity has been ever-present on the sporting calendar for both universities since it began in 1997, originating as a men’s rugby fixture and expanding into the sporting showpiece that it is today.
More than 30 teams will compete for the prestigious Varsity shield and cup. Cardiff retained the shield in 2024 and are looking to keep it on home ground for another year. In the Men’s rugby game, Swansea will be looking to repeat their performance, while Cardiff Women’s Rugby will be looking to defend their victory from last year.
Georgia Spry, VP Sports and AU President at Cardiff University said: Welsh Varsity is one of the most anticipated days in the student calendar and it comes with a huge sense of pride for all our Cardiff student athletes and supporters. In 2024, Team Cardiff battled hard on Swansea's turf to claim victory and take home the Welsh Varsity Shield! This year, the competition comes to Cardiff and our players are putting in the hard work to be prepped and ready to take on Swansea's best. The day always brings a huge sense of camaraderie with unwavering support towards our fabulous student athletes.
Cameron Messetter, Sports Officer for Swansea said: “The Swansea vs Cardiff rivalry is unmatched and every year our students turn out in their thousands to support our teams. This year, the Green and White army will be travelling to the capital, looking for a strong performance to retain the cup and regain the shield. Every Swansea player is training hard to deliver results in their sport and we couldn’t be prouder of them. Make sure you’re joining us to cheer them on in Cardiff on the 9th April!”
The action will unfold across iconic Cardiff venues including Cardiff Arms Park, Sophia Gardens Cricket Ground and Sport Wales. As always, the tournament will culminate with the Women’s and Men’s rugby fixtures at Cardiff Arms Park, one of the highlights of the day.
Tickets will be available from and
Caerdydd i gynnal Varsity Cymru 2025Bydd digwyddiad hynod boblogaidd Varsity Cymru yn dychwelyd i brifddinas Cymru unwaith eto dydd Mercher y 9fed o Ebrill 2025, gan ddod â’r gornest Prifysgol fwyaf yn ôl i Gaerdydd. Ar ôl blwyddyn lwyddiannus yn Abertawe yn 2024, mae’r brifddinas yn paratoi am ddiwrnod llawn chwaraeon, angerdd, ac eiliadau bythgofiadwy.
Varsity Cymru yw un o’r diwrnodau mwyaf yn y calendr i fyfyrwyr, gan ddod â 10,000 o fyfyrwyr o Brifysgol Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Abertawe ynghyd i gefnogi eu timoedd yn yr ŵyl chwaraeon hon.
Mae Varsity wedi bod yn rhan o galendr chwaraeon y ddwy brifysgol ers 1997, gan gychwyn fel gêm rygbi dynion cyn ehangu i’r arddangosfa chwaraeon byddwn yn ei chynnal eleni.
Bydd mwy na 30 tîm yn cystadlu ar gyfer y darian a’r cwpan eleni. Enillodd Caerdydd y darian unwaith eto yn 2024 ac maen nhw'n edrych i'w chadw ar dir cartref am flwyddyn arall. Yng ngêm rygbi’r dynion bydd Abertawe yn gobeithio ailadrodd perfformiad y llynedd, tra bydd tîm Rygbi Menywod Caerdydd yn edrych i amddiffyn eu buddugoliaeth.
Dywedodd Georgia Spry, IL Chwaraeon a Llywydd yr UA ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd: “Varsity Cymru yw un o’r diwrnodau mwyaf yn y calendr i fyfyrwyr, ac mae’n dod ag ymdeimlad enfawr o falchder i holl athletwyr a chefnogwyr Caerdydd. Yn 2024, brwydrodd Tîm Caerdydd am fuddugoliaeth yn Abertawe gan ennill Tarian Varsity Cymru! Eleni, mae’r gystadleuaeth yn dod i Gaerdydd ac mae ein hathletwyr wrthi’n gweithio’n galed a’n paratoi er mwyn herio goreuon Abertawe. Mae'r diwrnod bob amser yn creu awyrgylch o gyfeillgarwch gyda chefnogaeth ddiwyro ar gyfer at ein hathletwyr anhygoel.”
Dywedodd Cameron Messetter, Swyddog Chwaraeon Abertawe: “Mae’r gystadleuaeth rhwng Abertawe a Chaerdydd yn ddigymar, a phob blwyddyn mae miloedd o fyfyrwyr yn dod i gefnogi ein timoedd. Eleni, bydd y fyddin Gwyrdd a Gwyn yn teithio i’r brifddinas, gan obeithio am berfformiad cryf er mwyn cadw’r cwpan ac adennill y darian. Mae holl athletwyr Abertawe yn ymarfer yn galed er mwyn llwyddo yn eu camp ac rydym yn hynod falch o bob un ohonynt. Dewch i ymuno â ni i’w cefnogi yng Nghaerdydd ar y 9fed o Ebrill!”
Bydd y digwyddiad yn cael ei gynnal ar draws rhai o leoliadau mwyaf eiconig Caerdydd gan gynnwys Parc yr Arfau, Maes Criced Gerddi Sophia, a safle Chwaraeon Cymru. Fel bob tro, bydd y twrnamaint yn gorffen gyda gemau rygbi’r dynion a menywod ym Mharc yr Arfau – un o uchafbwyntiau’r diwrnod.
Bydd tocynnau ar gael o a
Welsh Varsity returns to Swansea in 2024
We are excited to announce that Swansea University and Cardiff University are set to go head-to-head in the country’s biggest student sporting event, the annual Welsh Varsity.
On April 24th, 2024, Swansea University will become the host of the highly anticipated annual Welsh Varsity. With a rich tradition dating back decades, this event has become a cornerstone in the sporting calendar, bringing together athletes and supporters for a day of spirited competition and camaraderie.
This year promises to be bigger and better than ever, featuring a staggering line-up of over 50 sporting events spread across the expansive grounds of Swansea University and its partner facilities. From athletics to water sports, the Welsh Varsity tournament showcases the diverse talents and athletic achievements of both universities.
Students and spectators alike will witness the unfolding drama as teams from Swansea and Cardiff compete in a wide array of disciplines, fostering a sense of community and friendly competition.
The culmination of the day's festivities will be the Rugby Men's and Women's teams clash, a showdown of titanic proportions that will take place at the renowned Stadium. As the sun sets on a day filled with sportsmanship and excellence, the atmosphere is set to reach fever pitch in this iconic venue, showcasing the very best of student rugby talent.
Meg Chagger, Sport Officer Swansea University said: “I'm thrilled to be involved in the return of the Welsh Varsity, especially as its home this year in Swansea. Preparations are well-underway for this amazing event that enables us to bring together some of our best sporting athletes to showcase their talent on and off the field. This incredible day is a centrepiece in the student calendar, and we cannot wait to welcome back our Green & White Army fans, both old and new.”
Georgia Spry, VP Sports and Athletic Union President at Cardiff University, said: “Welsh Varsity comes with a huge sense of pride for all our Cardiff athletes and supporters. In 2023, Team Cardiff took home the Welsh Varsity Shield and Cup with a resounding victory and this year we’ll be travelling to Swansea to battle it out to do the same. The atmosphere throughout the day is always amazing with so many Cardiff students coming to cheer on the teams – we’re so excited to see the months of preparation pay off for all our players!”
Tickets will be on sale soon.
Varsity Cymru yn dychwelyd i Abertawe yn 2024Rydym yn gyffrous i gyhoeddi y bydd Prifysgol Abertawe a Phrifysgol Caerdydd yn mynd benben yn nigwyddiad chwaraeon myfyrwyr mwyaf y wlad, Varsity Cymru.
Ar y 24ain o Ebrill, 2024, Prifysgol Abertawe fydd yn cynnal y Varsity blynyddol hir ddisgwyliedig. Gyda thraddodiad cyfoethog sy’n dyddio’n ôl degawdau, mae’r digwyddiad yma yn ganolbwynt i’r calendr chwaraeon, gan ddod ag athletwyr a chefnogwyr ynghyd am ddiwrnod o gystadlu bywiog a chyfeillgarwch.
Mae eleni’n addo fod yn fwy a’n well nag erioed gydag amserlen syfrdanol o dros 50 o ddigwyddiadau chwaraeon ar draws Prifysgol Abertawe a’i chyfleusterau partner. O athletau i chwaraeon dŵr, mae twrnamaint Varsity Cymru yn arddangos talentau amrywiol a llwyddiannau athletaidd ar draws y ddwy brifysgol.
Bydd myfyrwyr a chefnogwyr yn gweld y ddrama’n datblygu wrth i dimau Abertawe a Chaerdydd cystadlu mewn amrywiaeth eang o ddisgyblaethau gan feithrin ymdeimlad o gymuned a chystadleuaeth gyfeillgar.
Anterth dathliadau’r dydd fydd gemau’r timau rygbi dynion a menywod, gornest enfawr fydd yn digwydd yn stadiwm enwog Wrth i’r haul machlud ar ddiwrnod llawn sbortsmonaeth a rhagoriaeth, mae’n siŵr y bydd yr awyrgylch ar ei binacl yn y lleoliad eiconig yma, wrth i’r athletwyr arddangos y gorau o dalent rygbi myfyrwyr.
Dywedodd Meg Chagger, Swyddog Chwaraeon Prifysgol Abertawe: “Rwy’n falch iawn fod yn rhan o’r digwyddiad wrth i Varsity Cymru ddychwelyd, yn enwedig gan ei fod adref yn Abertawe eleni. Mae paratoadau eisoes ar waith ar gyfer y digwyddiad anhygoel yma sy’n ein galluogi i ddod â rhai o’n hathletwyr gorau ynghyd er mwyn arddangos eu sgiliau ar, ac oddi ar, y cae. Mae’r diwrnod anhygoel yma yn ganolbwynt i galendr y myfyrwyr, ac edrychwn ymlaen at groesawu cefnogwyr y Fyddin Wyrdd & Gwyn, boed yn hen neu’n newydd, yn ôl eleni.”
Dywedodd Georgia Spry, IL Chwaraeon a Llywydd yr Undeb Athletau ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd: “Mae Varsity Cymru yn destun balchder i holl athletwyr a chefnogwyr Caerdydd. Yn 2023 gwnaeth Tîm Caerdydd ennill Tarian a Chwpan Varsity Cymru mewn buddugoliaeth ysgubol, ac eleni byddwn yn teithio i Abertawe er mwyn brwydro am fuddugoliaeth arall. Mae’r awyrgylch trwy gydol y dydd bob tro yn anhygoel gyda chymaint o fyfyrwyr Caerdydd yn dod i gefnogi’r timau– rydym yn gyffrous iawn gweld y misoedd o baratoi yn talu ar eu canfed i’n holl athletwyr!”
Bydd tocynnau ar werth cyn hir.
Welsh Varsity returns to the capital for 25th tournament
The 2023 Welsh Varsity tournament will be returning to Cardiff for the first time since 2019 as student teams from Swansea and Cardiff University go head-to-head in its 25th year.
For what is arguably the biggest day on the student calendar, Varsity is a festival of sport which sees students from Swansea University and Cardiff University battle it out in over 30 sports, including both the men’s and women’s rugby matches which will be played at Cardiff Arms Park.
Varsity has been ever-present on the sporting calendar for both Swansea University and Cardiff University since it began in 1997 and has gone from strength-to-strength each year. For its quarter-century anniversary, the sporting showpiece will be taking place on Wednesday, April 26 2023, with over 10,000 students cheering on the teams in the Welsh capital.
After being cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to Covid-19 restrictions, The Welsh Varsity made a hugely successful return in 2022 at Swansea’s Sketty Lane and the Stadium.
Olivia Evans, VP Sports and Athletic Union President at Cardiff University, said: “It is so exciting to have Varsity back in Cardiff after 4 years away and I have no doubt that our Team Cardiff will be on top form for this monumental home fixture. This year we will be giving the Cardiff leg of the fixture a fresh look and feel with some exciting new developments planned for the day, we can’t wait to announce those in the coming weeks.”
Jonathan Davies, Sports Officer at Swansea University Students’ Union, said: “We’re really looking forward to this year’s Varsity and it’s set to be a fantastic day. Our teams are in great shape, are looking good and are ready to face off against Cardiff for another huge day of student sport in Wales.”
The 2023 tournament will take place in venues across the city, including Sport Wales and Cardiff Arms Park. Cardiff will be looking to retain the shield for another year, after reclaiming it in Swansea last year.
One of the highlights of the day includes the Ladies and Men’s rugby fixtures, which will take place this year in Cardiff Arms Park. Cardiff University Ladies will be looking to keep the momentum up following last year’s winning performance at the Stadium, whilst the Swansea Men’s team will be looking to take home the cup for the second year in a row.
Gŵyl Varsity Cymru'n dychwelyd i'r brifddinas wrth iddi gael ei chynnal am y 25ain troBydd gŵyl Varsity Cymru 2023 yn cael ei chynnal yng Nghaerdydd am y tro cyntaf ers 2019 wrth i dimau o fyfyrwyr o Brifysgol Abertawe a Phrifysgol Caerdydd fynd benben â'i gilydd yn ei 25ain flwyddyn.
Ar gyfer efallai'r diwrnod mwyaf yng nghalendr y myfyrwyr, mae Varsity Cymru’n ŵyl chwaraeon lle mae myfyrwyr o Brifysgol Abertawe a Phrifysgol Caerdydd yn cystadlu mewn mwy na 30 o gampau, gan gynnwys gemau rygbi'r dynion a'r menywod a gaiff eu chwarae ar Barc yr Arfau yng Nghaerdydd.
Mae Varsity Cymru wedi bod yn rhan hollbresennol o galendr chwaraeon Prifysgol Abertawe a Phrifysgol Caerdydd ers i'r ŵyl ddechrau ym 1997 ac mae wedi mynd o nerth i nerth bob blwyddyn. Bydd y digwyddiad chwaraeon blaenllaw'n dathlu ei chwarter canmlwyddiant ddydd Mercher 26 Ebrill, wrth i fwy na 10,000 o fyfyrwyr gefnogi eu timau ym mhrifddinas Cymru.
Canslwyd Varsity Cymru yn 2020 a 2021 o ganlyniad i gyfyngiadau Covid-19, ond dychwelodd mewn modd hynod lwyddiannus yn 2022 yn Lôn Sgeti yn Abertawe a Stadiwm
Meddai Olivia Evans, Is-lywydd Chwaraeon a Llywydd Undeb Athletau Prifysgol Caerdydd: “Mae'n hynod gyffrous croesawu Varsity Cymru yn ôl i Gaerdydd ar ôl bwlch o bedair blynedd ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd Tîm Caerdydd ar ei orau wrth i'r cystadlaethau hollbwysig hyn gael eu cynnal ar dir cartref. Eleni byddwn ni'n rhoi gwedd wahanol ar dro Caerdydd i gynnal y digwyddiad ac mae rhai datblygiadau cyffrous yn yr arfaeth ar gyfer y diwrnod. Rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at gyhoeddi'r rhain yn ystod yr wythnosau i ddod.”
Meddai Jonathan Davies, Swyddog Chwaraeon yn Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Abertawe: “Mae Varsity Cymru eleni'n destun cyffro mawr i ni ac mae'n siŵr o fod yn ddiwrnod arbennig. Mae ein timau'n edrych yn wych ac maen nhw’n barod i wynebu Caerdydd am ddiwrnod mawr arall i chwaraeon myfyrwyr yng Nghymru.”
Bydd gŵyl 2023 yn cael ei chynnal mewn lleoliadau ledled y ddinas, gan gynnwys Canolfan Genedlaethol Chwaraeon Cymru a Pharc yr Arfau yng Nghaerdydd. Bydd Caerdydd am gadw gafael ar y darian am flwyddyn arall, ar ôl ei hadennill yn Abertawe y llynedd.
Mae un o uchafbwyntiau'r diwrnod yn cynnwys gemau rygbi'r menywod a'r dynion, a fydd yn cael eu cynnal eleni ar Barc yr Arfau yng Nghaerdydd. Bydd Menywod Prifysgol Caerdydd am barhau â'r momentwm yn dilyn eu buddugoliaeth y llynedd yn Stadiwm, a bydd Dynion Abertawe yn ceisio ennill y cwpan am yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol.
Welsh Varsity returns after two-year hiatus
Following a two-year break due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the date for the 2022 Welsh Varsity between Cardiff and Swansea Universities has been confirmed.
Swansea will host this year’s week-long festival of sport, with most fixtures and the showpiece rugby matches taking place on Wednesday 27 April.
The Welsh Varsity initially began as a rugby match between Cardiff and Swansea Universities at the Cardiff Arms Park in 1997 but has since grown year-on-year and is now the largest student multi-sport event in the UK.
Throughout the week-long festival of sport, students will compete in more than 30 different sports for the coveted Welsh Varsity Shield, including: Ultimate Frisbee; swimming; golf; fencing; squash; boxing; basketball and hockey.
Cardiff University currently retain both the Welsh Varsity Shield and Cup, following their victories in 2019.
Georgia Smith, Sports Officer at Swansea University Students’ Union, said: “I’m so excited to see Welsh Varsity returning, and if that wasn’t good enough, it’s in Swansea! After what’s been a tough couple of years for students, I know that everyone at Swansea University will be thrilled to see Sketty Lane bleed green once again.
“It will be my pleasure to welcome current students and alumni back to see the biggest varsity in Wales to celebrate sport and friendly rivalry.
“My message to all Swansea students is get ready to sing and chant for Swansea and show Cardiff what the Green and White Army's made of!”
Megan Somerville, VP Sports and Athletic Union President at Cardiff University Students’ Union, said: “I am thrilled to be involved in the long-awaited return of Welsh Varsity. Preparations are already underway for this amazing event that enables our clubs to showcase their talent on and off the pitch.
“This huge event is a centrepiece of the student calendar and we can’t wait to welcome back fans both new and old to support Team Cardiff. Make sure you’re a part of the biggest student sporting event in the UK this April and watch Cardiff bring the cup and shield home.”
Ticket details and the full event schedule will be announced in due course.
Varsity Cymru'n dychwelyd ar ôl bwlch o ddwy flyneddAr ôl bwlch o ddwy flynedd o ganlyniad i bandemig Covid-19, mae'r dyddiad ar gyfer Varsity Cymru 2022 rhwng Prifysgol Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Abertawe wedi cael ei gadarnhau.
Bydd Abertawe'n cynnal yr ŵyl chwaraeon sy'n para am wythnos eleni. Cynhelir y rhan fwyaf o'r cystadlaethau a'r gemau rygbi proffil uchel ddydd Mercher 27 Ebrill.
Dechreuodd Varsity Cymru gyda gêm rygbi rhwng Prifysgol Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Abertawe ar Barc yr Arfau yng Nghaerdydd ym 1997, ond mae wedi tyfu bob blwyddyn ers hynny a dyma'r digwyddiad aml-gamp mwyaf i fyfyrwyr yn y DU bellach.
Drwy gydol yr ŵyl chwaraeon wythnos o hyd, bydd myfyrwyr yn cystadlu mewn mwy na 30 o gampau gwahanol ar gyfer gwobr uchel ei bri Tarian Varsity Cymru. Mae'r campau'n cynnwys: ffrisbi eithafol; nofio; golff; cleddyfaeth; sboncen; paffio; pêl-fasged; a hoci.
Ar hyn o bryd, Prifysgol Caerdydd yw deiliad Tarian a Chwpan Varsity Cymru, o ganlyniad i'w buddugoliaethau yn 2019.
Meddai Georgia Smith, Swyddog Chwaraeon Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Abertawe: “Mae dychweliad Varsity Cymru'n destun cyffro mawr i mi, yn enwedig gan y bydd Abertawe'n ei gynnal! Ar ôl cwpl o flynyddoedd anodd i fyfyrwyr, rwy'n gwybod y bydd pawb ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe wrth eu boddau pan fydd Lôn Sgeti'n troi'n wyrdd unwaith eto.
“Bydd yn bleser i mi groesawu myfyrwyr presennol a chyn-fyfyrwyr yn ôl i weld y digwyddiad prifysgolion mwyaf yng Nghymru i ddathlu chwaraeon a chystadlu cyfeillgar.
“Rwy'n gofyn i holl fyfyrwyr Abertawe fod yn barod i ganu a bloeddio dros Abertawe a dangos i Gaerdydd gwerth y Fyddin Werdd a Gwyn!”
Meddai Megan Somerville, Is-lywydd Chwaraeon a Llywydd Undeb Athletaidd Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd: “Rwy'n falch o gael cymryd rhan yn Varsity Cymru wrth iddo ddychwelyd ar ôl hir ymaros. Mae'r paratoadau eisoes wedi dechrau ar gyfer y digwyddiad gwych hwn sy'n galluogi ein clybiau i ddangos eu doniau ar y maes chwarae ac oddi arno.
chwaraeon mwyaf i fyfyrwyr yn y DU ym mis Ebrill ac yn gwylio Caerdydd yn ennill y cwpan a'r darian eto.”
Ticket details and the full event schedule Cyhoeddir manylion tocynnau ac amserlen lawn y digwyddiad maes o law.
2021 Welsh Varsity Update
With great regret, we announce that this year’s Welsh Varsity event will not take place, in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students, staff and guests.
We understand that this news is disappointing; however, the landscape for sport during the Covid-19 pandemic is ever-changing and the universities will endeavour to organise and support sporting activities, on a sport-by-sport basis, when Welsh Government and National Governing Body guidance allows.
We’re grateful to our student community for their continued support and look forward to delivering a memorable Welsh Varsity in 2022.
Diweddariad Varsity Cymru 2021Mae’n ddrwg gennym orfod cyhoeddi na fydd digwyddiad Varsity Cymru yn cael ei gynnal eleni, er mwyn sicrhau diogelwch a lles ein myfyrwyr, ein staff a'n gwesteion.
Deallwn fod y newyddion hyn yn siomedig; fodd bynnag, mae'r dirwedd ar gyfer chwaraeon yn ystod pandemig Covid-19 yn newid yn barhaus, ac felly bydd y prifysgolion yn ymdrechu i drefnu a chefnogi gweithgareddau chwaraeon, fesul camp, pan fydd canllawiau Llywodraeth Cymru a'r Corff Llywodraethu Cenedlaethol yn caniatáu hynny.
Rydym yn ddiolchgar i'n cymuned myfyrwyr am eu cefnogaeth barhaus ac edrychwn ymlaen at ddarparu Varsity Cymru cofiadwy yn 2022.
Important 2020 Welsh Varsity Update
As you may have seen from the media, whilst public gatherings have not been officially suspended, the advice from UK Government is that in order to best protect the wellbeing of the population, we should all now avoid non-essential social contact and unnecessary travel. Additionally, it has been confirmed that major events requiring the assistance of the emergency services will not be supported in the near future.
As a result, and with a heavy heart we have taken the decision to cancel the Welsh Varsity event due to take place in Swansea in April. We feel this decision is in the best interests of our students, staff and guests.
All ticket purchasers will receive a refund automatically, you don’t need to do anything. Whilst we will do this as quickly as possible, please allow three weeks for the payment to arrive back into your bank account.
If after this time you have not received your refund, please contact us at:
Cardiff ticket holders:
Swansea ticket holders:, we are unable to reschedule the Welsh Varsity this year but rest assured the event will return in 2021.
Diweddariad Pwysig Varisty Cymru 2020Efallai eich bod chi wedi gweld ar y cyfryngau, er nad yw digwyddiadau cyhoeddus wedi cael eu gwahardd yn swyddogol, i amddiffyn lles y boblogaeth, mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi cynghori y dylem osgoi teithio diangen a chyswllt cymdeithasol sydd ddim yn hanfodol. Yn ogystal â hyn, cadarnhawyd na fydd digwyddiadau mawr a fydd angen cymorth y gwasanaethau brys yn cael eu cefnogi yn y dyfodol agos.
O ganlyniad, a gyda chalon drom rydyn ni wedi gwneud y penderfyniad i ganslo digwyddiad Varsity Cymru yn Abertawe ym mis Ebrill. Rydyn ni’n teimlo bod y penderfyniad hwn o fudd ein myfyrwyr, staff a gwesteion.
Bydd pawb a brynodd docyn yn derbyn ad-daliad yn awtomatig, does dim angen i chi wneud unrhyw beth. Er y byddwn yn gwneud hyn cyn gynted â phosibl, gadewch 3 wythnos i’r taliad gael ei roi yn ôl yn eich cyfrif banc.
Os nad ydych chi wedi derbyn ad-daliad, wedi’r cyfnod hwn, cysylltwch â ni ar:
Dalwyr Tocynnau Caerdydd:
Dalwyr Tocynnau Abertawe: anffodus, ni fyddwn ni’n gallu aildrefnu Varsity Cymru eleni ond gallwch fod yn dawel eich meddwl y bydd y digwyddiad yn dychwelyd yn 2021.
Swansea to host 2020 Welsh Varsity
The Welsh Varsity will return to Swansea next year with the university sporting showpiece taking place on Wednesday, April 29.
Varsity is a festival of sport and sees students from Swansea University and Cardiff University battle it out in over 30 sports including both the men’s and women’s rugby matches.
Next year’s event will also see Swansea host Varsity in the same year that the University celebrates its centenary year.
Varsity has been an ever-present on the sporting calendar for both Swansea University and Cardiff University since it began in 1997 and has gone from strength to strength each year. Following a successful day in Cardiff in 2019, Varsity will return to Swansea in 2020 with Cardiff the current holders of both the Varsity Shield and Varsity Cup.
Ticket details will be announced in due course
Ffion Davies, Sports Officer at Swansea University Students’ Union, said: “We’re very excited to have the biggest sporting day of the student calendar back in Swansea, for our centenary year. Whether competing or supporting, I can’t wait to see everyone unite as one to celebrate everything sport has to offer, here in Swansea.”
Jude Pickett, VP Sports and Athletic Union President at Cardiff University, said: “I am very excited to be involved in the biggest and best Welsh Varsity to date. Preparations are already underway for this amazing event that enables clubs to showcase their talent on and off the pitch.
“I am thrilled to support Team Cardiff and to hopefully watch them bring the cup and shield back home to Cardiff once again. This is the one event in the student calendar you don’t want to miss.”
Welsh Varsity returns to Cardiff in 2019
The popular Welsh Varsity tournament is returning to the capital city of Wales after a successful year in Swansea in 2018. The event will be taking place on Wednesday 10th April, supported by thousands of students from Cardiff University and Swansea University.
The Welsh Varsity is a festival of sport, running from Saturday 6th April to Wednesday 10th April. The tournament sees students from 30 sports compete for the coveted Welsh Varsity Shield at venues across the city, including Sport Wales and Cardiff Arms Park. Cardiff will be looking to retain the shield for another year, after reclaiming it in Swansea last year. The event culminates with the showcase Ladies and Men's rugby fixtures in the Principality stadium during the evening of Wednesday 10th April. Cardiff University Ladies will be looking to avenge last year's defeat whilst the Men's team will be looking to repeat last year's performance and take home the Welsh Varsity cup for the third year in a row.
Georgie Haynes, VP Sports & Athletic Union President at Cardiff University, is enthusiastic about the tournament returning to home ground this year. "We are extremely excited for the Welsh Varsity to return to the capital city this year. I'm looking forward to all of our sports clubs rising to the occasion and putting on a fantastic and competitive showing of what Cardiff has to offer."
Sophie Hargreaves, Sports Officer at Swansea University Students' Union added: "Varsity is the highlight of the year for our sporting students, and there's a lot of preparation involved. I can't wait to see our students come together and showcase their incredible talent."
The tournament will launch with a Rowing competition on Saturday 6th April, with the Men's and Women's Novice and Senior squads battling it out on the water.
Ticketing details will be announced shortly and will go on sale in February. To find out more, follow @TheWelshVarsity on Twitter and visit
Welsh Varsity returns to Swansea in 2018
This year’s Welsh Varsity will be held in Swansea, where the Liberty Stadium will play host to the showpiece rugby match on Wednesday 25 April.
Now in its 22nd year, the tournament sees Swansea University sports teams go head-to-head with Cardiff University students in the biggest student event in Wales and the largest student multi-sport event in the UK.
The Welsh Varsity is a week-long festival of sport, running from 18 - 25 April. Throughout the week, students will compete in over 40 different sports for the Varsity Shield, including Ultimate Frisbee, swimming, golf, fencing, squash, boxing, basketball, and hockey.
The majority of the Welsh Varsity games take place at Swansea University’s International Sports Village in Sketty Lane on Wednesday 25 April, culminating with the men’s rugby match at the Liberty Stadium at 7pm.
Swansea will be looking to retain the Varsity Shield for another year, having taken it home for the first time in the competition’s history in 2017. Cardiff University’s men’s rugby team will be looking to repeat last year’s performance in the Principality Stadium, and take home the Welsh Varsity Cup.
Swansea's River Tawe will be the venue for the 13th Welsh Boat Race between Swansea University and Cardiff University Rowing Clubs on Saturday 21 April.
Gwyn Aled Rennolf, Sports Officer at Swansea University Students' Union, said: "We're really excited to be the home team for the Welsh Varsity tournament this year. Our fans always get behind the players but there's something extra special about playing in front of a home crowd. Our players have been training really hard and we're certain we'll be keeping the Shield in Swansea”.
Tom Kelly, Vice President Sport & Athletic Union President, is looking forward to taking Team Cardiff back to Swansea: “Welsh Varsity is one of the biggest highlights in the student calendar. A lot of preparation goes into the tournament, both behind the scenes and on the field. I’m excited to be heading back to Swansea in April and hopefully celebrating a Cardiff win!”